Introduction and InstallationUsers :

Before Start Code With BD.JS You Must add CDN Of BD.JS

This JavaScript Library Completely made in ES6 features. that's why Hoisting not working here. so you must add the cdn link after <"head"> tag

Carefully Look at The Image

Get started with BD.JS, the world’s New Javascript Library for Programmimg Very Fast and some simple of coding

Starting Code Example:

Print Method In BD.JS

Starting Code Example:

Date String Method

Time String Method In BD.JS

To Get Output of time

To Get Output of Today's Date

To Get Output of Tomorrow Date

To Get Output of Previous Date

To Get Output of This Month

To Get Output of Next Month

To Get Output of Previous Month

To Get Output of This Year

To Get Output of Next Year

To Get Output of Previous Year

To Get The Name of this Day

To Get The Name of this Month

Get Query Method

To Select The Query of any tag

Letter and Number Method

To Get A2Z Capital Letter

To Get A2Z Small Letter

To Get All Numeric Text

To Get All Type of Text

To Select and copy any text

If you need to copy any text just select the tag with getQuery and use copyit() event to fire it

To Generate randow text

If you need to Generate random text you have to use randomText() Method and in the 1st perameter Enter the Length and in the 2nd perameter you need to enter the Class name or ID Name or Tag Name To Get Output

Print Array With Index Number

If you need to Print Array in website with index number then you can use getArr() Method.

Generate random number

If you need to Generate random number you have to use randomNum() Method and in the perameter Enter the maximum number that you need random number

Generate Custom random number

If you need to Generate Custom random number you have to use customRanNum() Method and in the 1st perameter Enter the minimum number and 2nd perameter enter the maximum number.

get the length of any variables

To get length of any variables use len()Method:

get the type of any variables

To get type of any variables use type()Method:

Set and remove Method

Create tag and append it on body

If you want to create any tag and append it on body you can use setTag(). In the 1st perameter enter the tag name and 2nd perameter enter the innertext that you want. but you can't use input tag and textarea

Create textarea and input tag append it on body

If you want to create textarea and input tag and append it on body you can use setArea(). In the 1st perameter enter the tag name and 2nd perameter enter the value and 3rd perameter enter the placeholder value that you want. you can only use input tag and textarea

Set CSS Class on any tag

If you want to set css on any tag using Javascript then use thissetCSS() Method. In the 1st perameter enter the tag name, or class name or ID name and 2nd perameter enter the class name that you want to add you can only use one class in one method

Remove CSS Class on any tag

If you want to remove css on any tag using Javascript then use thisremoveCSS() Method. In the 1st perameter enter the tag name, or class name or ID name and 2nd perameter enter the class name that you want to remove you can only use one class in one method

Check array method

If you want to check array you can use this checkArr() Method.

String Method

Check the index of a string value

If you want to check the index of a string value you can use this strPos() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name and 2nd perameter enter the word you need index

Check the Last index of a string value

If you want to check the last index of a string value you can use this lastStrPos() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name and 2nd perameter enter the word you need index

Convert a normal text to Uppercase text

If you want to convert a normal text to Uppercase text you can use this upperCase() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Convert a Uppercase text to Lowercase text

If you want to convert a Uppercase text to Lowercase text you can use this lowerCase() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Trim any string value

If you want to Trim or cut white Space of any string value you can use this trim() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Convert any data into a string

If you want to Convert any data to a string then you can use this toStr() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Convert any data into a number

If you want to Convert any data to a number then you can use this toNum() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Convert any data into a Integer

If you want to Convert any data to a Integer value then you can use this toInt() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Convert any data into a Float

If you want to Convert any data to a Float value then you can use this toFloat() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Repeat your variable as you want

If you want to Repeat your variable data multiple times then you can use this rptStr() Method. In The 1st perameter enter the variable name. and 2nd perameter enter the number that how many times you want to repeat it

Quickly add PI Value in your Projects

If you want to add value of PI you can use this var pi = PI; Method.

Quickly Round Up your float value

If you want to Round Up Your Float value. then you can use this setRound() Method.Store a float value in a variable and add it In The 1st perameter enter the variable name.

Quickly Set Power value

If you want to set power in your variable value. then you can use this setPower() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the variable name and 2nd perameter enter the power value as numeric value

Quickly Set root value

If you want to get root value of of any numerica value. then you can use this setRoot() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the variable name and 2nd perameter enter the power value as numeric value

Quickly Get a absolute value of any negetive value

If you need absolute value of of any numerica value. then you can use this setAbs() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the variable name

Quickly Get Upper value of your negetive float value

If you want to get upper value of your numeric float value. then you can use this setMathUp() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the variable name

Quickly Get Lower value of your negetive float value

If you want to get Lower value of your numeric float value. then you can use this setMatDown() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the variable name

Quickly Set cubik root value

If you want to get cubik root value of of any numerica value. then you can use this setQbRoot() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the variable name and 2nd perameter enter the power value as numeric value

Quickly compare two value

If you want to compare two numeric value. then you can use this getGreater() Method.In the 1st perameter enter 1st value and 2nd perameter enter 2nd value

Quickly compare two value

If you want to compare two numeric value. then you can use this getLess() Method.In the 1st perameter enter 1st value and 2nd perameter enter 2nd value

Quickly set break on your loop

If you want set break on your loop value. then you can use this setLoopBrk() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the break value and 2nd perameter enter enter the loop length value

Quickly set continue method on your loop

If you want skip value on your loop value. then you can use this setLoopConti() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the value that you want to skip value and 2nd perameter enter enter the loop length value

Quickly hide any data

If you want to hide any data in your document. then you can use this setHide() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the Class Name Example(.text) or ID name Example(#text) Or Tag Name Example(h1) to access it

Quickly show any hidden data

If you want to show any hidden data in your document. then you can use this setShow() Method.In the 1st perameter enter the Class Name Example(.text) or ID name Example(#text) Or Tag Name Example(h1) to access it

Quickly Get your screen width

If you want to know the screen width of your computer. then you can use this scrXlen() Method.

Quickly Get your screen height

If you want to know the screen height of your computer. then you can use this scrYlen() Method.

Quickly redirect your page to your targeted site

If you want to redirect page. then you can use this urlRedirect() Method.

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Something New is comming

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Something New is comming

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